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The fire... motivation station!

If you follow me on the social you may pre ishhh know what I am planning to dive into tonight! lol If not.. umm rude. why are we not friends??? HERE :) I want to figure out for myself and others what it is that makes up the whole GET UP & GO! I got today in the bag type of feeling!

You know those days when you wake up different? Like for whatever reason something just triggered you different that AM... that was me yesterday!! I got up. Felt motivated .. to.. go;; for... a..walk.. before!! (right, whew who am I?) lol I just had a feeling that I wanted to get my day started RIGHT, as they say! It was such an amazing feeling... that feeling of having the right mindset to completely control your day. Long story short... we opened the garage and it was raining! Also, we did mini laps in the garage for about 10 minutes because Sutton loves to go on walks. We got some steps still, that is all that matters. This is another reason why you need to follow me on the instagram.. my insta story of pushing him in the garage.. comical. #motivation

I have discussed this with my friends and others many times.. like I want to so badly get up daily and work out or even just w a l k! Literally, just move my body because I know... it's science right? I know I will feel better if I do. Soo, why don't I and why did I yesterday? lol NO ONE KNOWS.. I mean there are a few things. Personally, it is not rocket science right? It is so easy to snooze it away another week another not moving my body month. Honestly, I think self sabotage is the worst thing that can creep in and suck the life out of you. **chugs Vanilla Coke at 8:18 pm** #ope #sonicstuff ALSO, the whole like oh, I am owning my body right now. I love it. I live it. I laugh it. lol THiiiiis. I love this concept but also think it can often kinda maybe fall into the above category too. ( I think it all comes down to your #mentalhealth and being 110% honest with yourself) #bodyimage #bodypositivity

SOOO, let's talk about how we can help get this GET UP AND GO feeling every day!! I need it so dang bad, it does come in spurts but I need the consistency as do many. Here are just a few sloan-isms that over the years are tips or ideas I have heard to help one stay motivated.

- It takes what 14 or 21 days to form a habit or something like that

- Set yourself up to succeed the night before

- Allowing yourself "me time" whatever it is and whenever it is

- Use the small things to keep mojo flowing

- Having a friend, stranger, or whoever also holding you accountable

- Do what you have to get the motivation started to get to day 21

- Remember the feeling you feel after you are done (SO KEY)

So, I will set the alarms and snooze them right away, I have every good damn intention to get up and be active butttt there I lay in my bed instead. I was replaying the night before over in my head like what did I differently and why I felt motivated yesterday so much more than any other day. Few things stood out to me + some pure luck haha Things I don't do are going to be listed below that are what I need to do in order to accomplish the list above!!

- Do not set goals with it, just go as please

- Don't set my clothes out the night before or set my alarm away from me

- Getting a babysitter so I can go to the gym or going at lunch.. *mom guilt or I have to much work to do*

- New work out pants, new water bottle, new free weights

- Rope my other friends in to help me be accountable

- I wanted the peloton so badddd like I almost pulled the trigger, someone close to me made a comment on how silly it was.. I let it get to me and I DIDN'T.. I COULD LOOK LIKE KIM K BY NOW (hahaha) if I would of just listened to my gut and did what I WANTED..

lol You get the point.

It doesn't have to be working out maybe there is something else you are wanting to focus on or improve.. I hope some of my mental notes and tips can maybe guide or motivate you to do you! I know setting myself up to SUCEED is the first step. However, Monday night I did have a good nights rest which is key to want to get up and own the day! I drank some water before bed with my liquid IV in it. I was just trying to see what I did different and honestly. it is the small simple things that we forget with the busyness of life. #liquidiv

End of the day, do you. If you need the expensive gym membership to get motivated or the peloton bike or maybe you need to save money.. so you cut your credit cards up ahah I dk.. take the BIG LEAP to help yourself succeed and truly be your best self. Owning who we are is key but we need to make sure we get to the core and make sure we truly are happy with who we are.. not covered up by sarcasm, the high life on the gram, and other coping mechanisms. It takes time, but youuuuu can do it :)

xo boo

** be looking at myself like girrrlll, you can do this **

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